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Welcome to Disney Imagination Camp

Step into Disney Imagination Campus for an epic blend of education and fun! Dive into workshops that spark creativity and fearless exploration, all set in the enchanting world of Disney Parks. Our mission? Student development! We equip students with the skills to express themselves creatively and tackle real-world challenges head-on. Ready to unleash your imagination? Join us at Disney Imagination Campus!

歡迎來到迪士尼夢想夏令營!兼具教育與娛樂,讓學生們沉浸於啟發創意和勇於探索的工作坊中,更棒的是地墊就在全世界最快樂的地方 - 加州迪士尼樂園的奇幻世界。我們致力於開發學生各個領域的成長!提供學生所需的技能,讓他們能在創意和學術上自由發揮,迎接現實世界的挑戰。準備好釋放你的想像力了嗎?加入我們,一起來到迪士尼的夢想夏令營吧!

Curriculum 課程內容

From performing arts to humanities, science and leadership, our classes are customized for students at a variety of learning levels.

​從表演藝術,藝術人文, 科學與科技到領袖訓練與創新,我們的課程會依照學生的學習水量身訂製。

  • Performing Arts 表演藝術 -
    See what it’s like to live the life of a Disney entertainment professional!
    1. Soundtrack sessions: Instrumental and Vocal 樂器及聲樂工作坊

    2. Dance Disney 舞蹈工作坊
    3. Disney Broadway magic 迪士尼百老匯工作坊


  • Arts & Humanties藝術人文 - Discover the importance and power of communication through the art and process of storytelling.
    1. Theme Park Design 遊樂園設計工作坊
    2. Immerse Storytelling 沈浸式說故事訓練工作坊


  • Science & Technology 科學與科技 - Discover the science behind your favorite Disney theme park attractions at the greatest science laboratories in the world. 探索迪士尼遊樂設施背後的科技秘辛
    1. Physics of Disney Parks 迪士尼樂園內的物理學
    2. Technology of Disney Parks 迪士尼樂園的科技學


  • Leadership & Innovation 領袖訓練與創新 - Become inspired by one of the most innovative brands in the world through tried-and-true techniques developed by Disney leaders. 跟隨引領世界的品牌 - 迪士尼的領導人們學習創新精神
    1. Leadership the Disney Way 迪士尼的領導精神
    2. Teamwork the Disney Way 學習迪士尼的團隊精神
    3. Disney Leadership Assembly 迪士尼的領導哲學

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